Cilaire Elementary School is currently evacuated due to alleged bomb threat. RCMP are on scene. (CHRIS BUSH/THe News Bulletin)

Cilaire Elementary School is currently evacuated due to alleged bomb threat. RCMP are on scene. (CHRIS BUSH/THe News Bulletin)

UPDATE: Nanaimo’s Cilaire school given all-clear after morning bomb threat

Cilaire students were evacuated this morning after bomb threat

  • Dec. 20, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Cilaire Elementary students are back in class after the school district was given the all-clear on this morning’s bomb threat.

Students were evacuated to the Church of the Nazarene Wednesday morning after school staff spotted graffiti on the school’s exterior that indicated a specific day and time for a bomb threat, according to Dale Burgos, school district spokesman, adding the graffiti was new and something that has to be taken very seriously.

“Of course, right away RCMP, district senior staff, safety and wellness staff and school staff activated protocol and we wanted to make sure we evacuated the students immediately,” he said.

The Nanaimo RCMP stated in a press release that school officials were alerted to the threat shortly after 8 a.m., and the school was evacuated while officers searched inside and outside of the school. The search ended just after 11 a.m. and nothing was found that caused concern.

The school district reported, just before noon, that Cilaire Elementary was given the all-clear and remaining students were returning to school.

Two Christmas concerts have been moved to Thursday.


Nanaimo News Bulletin