UPDATE: New framework for action on homelessness in Chilliwack

'Homelessness and affordable housing are key areas of focus for Chilliwack Healthier Community,' says task team chair

Chilliwack is facing its homelessness problem dead on by mapping out an action plan.

Chilliwack is facing its homelessness problem dead on by mapping out an action plan.

Chilliwack Council vowed to do something about homelessness  — even though it’s more of a provincial or federal responsibility, and even though the last homeless count showed a decrease in the numbers.

A draft report with an emphasis on action was received by council Tuesday at city hall with the subtitle, ‘Establishing a Comprehensive Community Response System that Helps People Obtain and Retain Safe, Affordable, Appropriate Housing.’

City officials stressed they can’t solve the problem alone.

“We want to work with the province to ensure everyone has an opportunity to be housed in our community, and will continue to work with the many social service agencies in Chilliwack,” said Mayor Sharon Gaetz, in a release. “It’s a lofty goal and it will not happen without a plan.”

Consultation is key. Broad consultative effort has led to the fresh report detailing the reasons, challenges, strategies to tackle homelessness as well as needs, actions and goals for the Chilliwack Homelessness Action Plan. The plan is being mapped out by a task force made up of community agencies and service providers, including input from local homeless.

“Homelessness and affordable housing are key areas of focus for Chilliwack Healthier Community and our Housing First Task Team is actively working on a number of actions that have been identified in this background report,” said Councillor Ken Popove, Chair of the CHC Housing First Task Team.

One example is the task team looking into low-barrier housing options, including a visit to Raven’s Moon in Abbotsford, which provides “affordable, supportive housing that facilitates permanent, positive life changes” and works using an empowerment perspective.”

The team also held a broad-based planning session in December to get input.

“The City’s Homelessness Action Plan Task Force found that the strategic planning session was integral to the development of the report and ensures we are all continuing to work towards the same goal.”

Having an affordable housing strategy, and using the Housing First model, are considered key to getting provincial funding, and that is one of the obstacles to the city taking concrete and effective action.

The staff report stated that $700,000 is being budgeted for a Housing First development down the line.

Here are the goals:

1. Develop and implement an appropriate Housing First approach for Chilliwack;

2. Increase supply of affordable housing in accordance with community needs;

3. Increase coordination amongst agencies to prevent homelessness;

4. Improve the health and safety of the vulnerable;

5. Increase community awareness of homelessness and build support for solutions; and

6: Support initiatives that build self-esteem and support economic self sufficiency.

“So, yes we have a problem, and yes we are working on it,” said Coun. Popove. “But there are some aspects we can’t achieve without more help.”

The consensus is they need partners like Fraser Health and BC Housing to come to the table to assist with missing pieces such as “sobering beds” and detox beds, and even more youth beds.

Public engagement, and a community meeting will be scheduled sometime in March, before finalization of the action plan.

The Background Report is at chilliwack.com/homelessness


Chilliwack Progress