UPDATE: Open house will showcase Revelstoke Adventure Park; City raises water issues

The public will have a chance to get a look at the proposed Revelstoke Adventure Park at an open house on Tuesday, July 26.

Note: This story was updated at 12:20 p.m. with developing news on the project

The public will have a chance to get a look at the proposed Revelstoke Adventure Park at an open house on Tuesday, July 26.

The open house is officially being held to showcase Illecillewaet Development Inc.’s re-zoning application with the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, but CEO Jason Roe said the entire project will be presented.

“We’re going to talk about the project so people have an understanding, but the focus is on the zoning,” he said.

The Revelstoke Adventure Park will feature numerous action sport activities in the Greely area 10 kilometres east of Revelstoke, including lift-accessed mountain biking, a bungie tower, zip lines, and more. The base area would include a day lodge, campground, man-made lake and other guest facilities.

The proponents have moved forward on their re-zoning application for the lands while it waits to sign a Master Development Agreement with the province. Roe said they were in the midst of negotiations on many details that will form part of the agreement.

“The province has come back with a list of things they want changed on the management plan, and they have to review changes,” Roe said. “In a sense the management plan becomes a contract, so there’s a lot of detail changes.”

The re-zoning will create a comprehensive development zone for the property. It divides the property into five zones, with different uses allowed for each one.

The application was given first reading by the board of the CSRD in May. The application included a hotel as a possibility on the land, but Roe said it has been removed from the proposed zoning.

Second reading will be held after the open house. It will be followed by an official public hearing.

The open house takes place at the community centre on Tuesday, July 26, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. There will be a presentation at 6 p.m.

City of Revelstoke wants adventure park to be annexed

The City of Revelstoke wants the Revelstoke Adventure Park to become part of the city if it wants to get access to the city’s water system.

A new report by Dean Strachan, the city’s manager of development services, recommends the proponents of the adventure park begin the annexation process before it begins developing the site.

At issue is whether or not the adventure park can tap into the city’s water main, which runs through the adventure park property from the Greely Water Treatment Plant.

“The City of Revelstoke engineering department has noted a significant increase in the scope of the development from that originally proposed to the City of Revelstoke as part of the Crown land referral process, a 2016 water use report provided by Golder Associates and what has been presented in the media over the past couple of years,” wrote Strachan in his report to council. “Engineering has requested an updated water use report from Illecillewaet Development Inc. to review the impact on the City’s water supply of any proposed development. It would be unusual and contrary to policy… to provide large amounts of water to developments outside of the City boundary.”

The city’s water & sewer policy says it shouldn’t extend those services to properties outside municipal boundaries.

The city is also recommending the Columbia Shuswap Regional District deny the adventure park’s re-zoning application until the annexation is completed — a process that could take more than a year.

Strachan’s report says the adventure park has grown in scope since it was first given support in principal by council last year. It is now proposing 350 tourist accommodation units, up from 267, and 11,800 square-metres of commercial space.

“Given the increase in scope of the proposed adventure park development, staff have concerns regarding the potential costs and impacts of the development related to its draw on community services (e.g., water, roads, parks & recreation, and emergency services) which may detrimentally impact the ability for the city to satisfy current and future demands within the City of Revelstoke,” wrote Strachan in his report.

Jason Roe, the Chief Operating Officer of Black Tie Properties, which is leading the development of the adventure park, told the Review that the city’s report was based on outdated information and that the adventure park is no longer including a hotel or tourist cabins. He said only the yurts and campground are being built.

He told the Review that he sent their most recent application to the city and will attend the next council meeting to let them know about the changes.

They do not want to go through the lengthy annexation process and are looking at water options. They have an existing licence for a three-inch water main and are studying to see if that will be enough to supply their need. If not, they are also looking at digging wells, said Roe.

A year ago, council approved support-in-principal for the adventure park. “The city acknowledges that this unique development will enhance Revelstoke’s reputation as a leading outdoor adventure tourism destination while stimulating economic progress in our community,” stated a letter signed by Mayor Mark McKee.

Council is schedule to discuss staff’s recommendation at its meeting on Tuesday, July 26, at 3 p.m.


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