UPDATE: Penticton White Spot franchisee asked to ‘step back’ after poop throwing incident

Mansfield was caught throwing a bucket of dog poop in front of Compass House Shelter

  • Apr. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The owner of a Penticton White Spot franchise who publicly admitted to throwing poop in front of a local homeless shelter could have put his job in jeopardy over the incident.

Penticton White Spot franchisee Al Mansfield was caught throwing a bucket of dog poop in front of Compass House Shelter Tuesday afternoon.

In an apology letter issued Tuesday night, Mansfield said he “simply snapped after once again finding human feces near my restaurant.”

White Spot president Warren Erhart sent an emailed statement to Black Press Media Wednesday, explaining that Mansfield has been asked step back from day-to-day operations at the restaurant while the company investigates the situation.

“The actions on Tuesday morning by Al Mansfield, a White Spot franchisee in the Okanagan, were disgraceful and in no way represent the values of White Spot Hospitality,” Erhart wrote.

“Mr. Mansfield has expressed shame and remorse and apologized publicly for what he did at Compass House in Penticton. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the extreme severity of this situation and will be conducting a thorough investigation into this matter. Meanwhile, we have asked Mr. Mansfield to step back from the day-to-day operations of his business until we determine an appropriate course of action.”

READ MORE: Penticton business owner apologizes for throwing poop

READ MORE: Feces thrown in front of Penticton homeless shelter

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