Revelstoke Credit Union announces measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. (Submitted)

Revelstoke Credit Union announces measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. (Submitted)

UPDATE: RCU reduces hours due to COVID-19 concerns

Other safety measures include encouraging six feet of personal space and hand sanitizer

  • Mar. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Revelstoke Credit Union is taking steps to prevent the potential spread of coronavirus.

Roberta Bobicki, CEO of the credit union, said in a news release March 13 that there is no higher priority than the health and safety of employees, clients and the community as a whole.

In an update on March 18, the bank announced they are temporarily reducing their hours.

New hours at RCU are:

Tues.-Wed.: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Thurs-Fri: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

Sat.: 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

“Financial and insurance services are an essential part of life,” the news release said.

New hours at RCU Insurance Services are:

Mon.-Wed.: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Thurs.-Fri.: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

Sat.: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

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So, under the guidance of the World Health Organization, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention as well as government authorities the credit union is taking these steps:

  • Hand sanitizers, wipes and tissues are provided, and we ask that you use them
  • We would like to keep a personal space between employee and client of ideally six feet, but no less than three feet
  • If you are coughing, symptomatic or feeling unwell, we ask that you not come into our premises. We will assist you by phone or email
  • Use your own pen
  • Staff have been asked to suspend any unnecessary travel and may be subject to a 14-day period of isolation on return
  • If you have recently travelled, we ask that you not come into the branch for 14 days after your return
  • Employees at highest risk will be given the option to work virtually-from home
  • We have cancelled employee attendance at all conferences
  • We are strongly recommending that employees avoid large gatherings
  • The use of the RCU Community meeting room at RCU Insurance has been suspended until further notice, any meetings scheduled for this room will not be taking place in this location
  • Popcorn Friday will be suspended for the duration of this event

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“For the future, depending on how the pandemic unfolds, we are making plans for creative ways to continue to provide services to our members in the event that face-to-face interactions are not possible,” Bobicki said.

“RCU is choosing to be pro-active and err on the side of caution for everyone’s health and safety.”

READ MORE: Events cancelled at Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre due to coronavirus concerns

For more coverage on COVID-19 go here.


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