Clark ‘Griswold’ Jahn posted to social media that his Toyota 4Runner was stolen on Jan. 7. The truck was themed as Rudolph during Mission’s 4x4 Christmas fleet over the holidays. Facebook photo.

UPDATE: ‘Rudolph’ truck stolen from man who organized Mission’s Christmas fleet has been found

Clark 'Griswold' Jahn's 4Runner stolen on Jan. 7

  • Jan. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

[UPDATE: Rudolph was found in Hope this morning, approximately 90 minutes after Jahn posted to social media. He said the stereo is missing, and he’s currently getting a ride to Hope to retrieve the truck.

It was located on Fraser Street, east of Wallace Street, and the person who found it said they called the RCMP.

“I can’t believe that somebody would actually steal Rudolph,” Jahn said. “The truck is so noticeable and everything.”

Jahn’s social media post was shared nearly 500 times in three hours.

“I gotta say I’m really liking Facebook right now,” he said. “I’m just so happy it was found.”

The man who organized Mission’s Christmas 4×4 fleet this December had his “Rudolph” truck stolen.

Clark ‘Griswold’ Jahn posted to social media that his Toyota 4Runner, which headed the festive fleet of vehicles over the holiday season as the Rudolph-themed lead, was stolen on Jan. 7.

Jahn is asking anyone who sees Rudolph to call the police or message him. The black 4Runner has green and purple hubcaps, paint trim, and the license plate is KG8-O9D.

Jahn organized the Christmas fleet of vehicles after Mission’s annual Candlelight Parade was cancelled due to the pandemic. What started as a group of five fellow 4X4ers on Dec.7, grew to 177 vehicles on the sixth and final night.

VIDEO: Festive fleet of Mission 4x4ers spread Christmas spirit after annual parade cancelled

Mission City Record