Update – Sicamous council taking time with economic development committee

Councillors agree to modify terms of reference drawn up by former administrator Alan Harris

Updated – Feb. 7

The District of Sicamous’ new economic development committee won’t be getting down to work as soon as some may have anticipated.

While former district CAO Alan Harris had drawn up a mandate and terms of reference for the committee’s operation, council is looking to take a fresh approach.

“I feel we should hold off at this point in time on the economic development committee, work on the terms and references of what we need and the mandate before we move forward” commented Mayor Darrell Trouton.

Coun. Greg Kyllo said that while Harris did a great job setting up an initial framework for the committee, more time is needed to “flush out some of the details.”

District financial services director Ruth Walper noted the district’s new interim chief administrative officer, Doug Ruttan, was involved in setting up the economic development corporation for the City of Quesnel.

“It was actually a separate corporation, but council was involved in setting up the terms of reference… so he’ll be very helpful in bringing forward some ideas to council in that regard,” said Walper.

The economic development committee was established by council in early December.



Eagle Valley News