A tow truck pulls a tipped snow truck after it tipped over on Mackenzie Avenue Thursday evening. Tara Sprickerhoff photo

A tow truck pulls a tipped snow truck after it tipped over on Mackenzie Avenue Thursday evening. Tara Sprickerhoff photo

Update: Snow truck clipped line, pulling vehicle over Thursday evening

Operator exited without injury

A dump truck tipped to its side Thursday evening, blocking Mackenzie Avenue in front of the graveyard.

The operator was coming out of the snow dump at the base of Comer and had the dump box in the air, said Gary Muraca, director of municipal services.

The box clipped a line which pulled the truck to its side.

“The operator was shook up but is fine, and the truck will be getting minor repairs,” said Muraca.

“You can’t work the hours these operators do and put on the kilometers they do without the occasional mishap. Avoidable, yes, but it happens.”

Muraca said mechanisms are in place to ensure staff are not working too many hours and they are monitored to ensure they are not showing signs of exhaustion.

“We are happy no one was hurt.”

Vehicles were forced to detour around the site, where a steady stream of City of Williams Lake trucks carted snow to the foot of Comer Street, where the city commonly dumps snow removed from city streets.

The truck was being used for snow clearing activities expected to happen through downtown Williams Lake overnight. It appeared to be empty when it tipped over.

Police were on scene detouring traffic, and a hydro crew was on scene to make sure there was no damage to poles or wires.

The truck was pulled back upright by a tow truck just before 10 p.m.

Williams Lake Tribune