UPDATE: Trail RCMP step up school zone enforcement after close call

Alert Warfield crossing guard prevented child from being hit

UPDATE: Trail RCMP step up school zone enforcement after close call

Police have increased school zone enforcement this week after a close call on Friday when a six-year-old girl narrowly missed being hit by a car.

A report by Sergeant Mike Wicentowich described the situation and heralded the crossing guard for preventing a terrible accident.

“The J.L. Webster School crossing guard was instrumental in alerting the young girl about the oncoming vehicle and preventing the incident. The vehicle was travelling the correct speed of 30 km/h but failed to stop at the crossing guard’s direction,” said the release.

The Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP is looking to speak with a female driver of a black Subaru hatchback. A partial licence plate of 11K or 11X was obtained by the crossing guard.

On Monday, Wicentowich told the Trail Times the vehicle had not yet been located.

“The consequences would likely be a violation ticket for Failing to Obey School Guard under section 179(4) of the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act with a fine of $167,” he said.

“We conducted school zone enforcement on Friday after school and plan to continue this week with increased enforcement. We have requested that the West Kootenay Traffic Unit, based in Nelson, assist us and conduct enforcement on the Schofield Highway as well.

“The school crossing guard was critical in preventing the six-year-old girl from being hit by the vehicle. She is experienced with the crosswalk and the issues on having a school crosswalk on a highway.

“The Trail and Greater District RCMP Detachment ask parents to talk to their children about watching out for vehicles when they walk to school, making an assumption that the vehicle will not stop until it does, and obeying all traffic lights and signals as well as using designated crosswalks.”

Please contact the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP at 250-364-2566 if you have any information about this vehicle’s whereabouts or if you know the identity of the driver.

Trail Daily Times