There was a two-vehicle collision on Broadwater Road on Wednesday afternoon. (Chelsea Novak/Castlegar News)

There was a two-vehicle collision on Broadwater Road on Wednesday afternoon. (Chelsea Novak/Castlegar News)

UPDATE: Two-vehicle accident on Broadwater Road near Castlegar

The accident took place outside Johnny's Grocery Gas, and RCMP were on the scene.

Icy roads led to a two-vehicle collision on Broadwater Road in Robson on Thursday afternoon.

One of the vehicles involved was already pulled over just west of Johnny’s Grocery and Gas, after having been in a minor fender bender, when the other vehicle struck it.

“They had just finished exchanging information,” explained Cpl. Brett Turner of the Castlegar RCMP.”

Another driver was also travelling west and saw that there were people and cars on the side of the road, so she applied her breaks, but because the road was really a skating rink, she just kept sliding, sliding, sliding and wham.”

Luckily no one was injured.

RCMP had Emcon come out to sand and salt the road to get rid of the ice hazard, but drivers are reminded to slow down and be wary of winter conditions.

Turner said there have been a number of accidents this week.

“It just keeps happening. I just had another one today actually,” he said early Friday afternoon.

That accident took place at the intersection by the West Kootenay Regional Airport around 11 a.m. and was attributed to driver inattention.

“Another person just wasn’t paying attention and came out onto the highway into oncoming traffic and two cars were very badly damaged. Very lucky that people weren’t injured in that one because it was a much more serious accident,” said Turner.

The corporal explained that icy road conditions allow less room for driver error.

“The fact of the matter is the roads are bad enough, to begin with, so if you make little mistakes, they become massive mistakes because you don’t have the stopping distance,” he said.

Castlegar News