UPDATE: Wildfire contained near Houston

The lightning-caused blaze that sparked in the Telkwa Mountain Range last week is now contained.

  • Jul. 3, 2014 3:00 p.m.
A wildfire is burning 15 kilometres west of Houston in the Telkwa Mountain Range.

A wildfire is burning 15 kilometres west of Houston in the Telkwa Mountain Range.

By Marisca Bakker


This years’s forest fire season is on par with past summers, according to the Northwest Fire Centre.

“So far this year we’ve had 35 fires, 29 of which were human caused. Since the beginning of July we’ve had seven fires that were caused by lightning because we had some lightning sweep through the region on July 2. That is pretty average for the beginning of the season,” said fire information officer Olivia Pojar.

A forest fire in the Telkwa Mountain Range that sparked last week is now contained.

The lightning-caused fire was burning 15 km west of Houston on the south west side of the Bulkley River and was at one point approximately 3-5 hectares in size.

“The rash of lightning-caused fires at the beginning of July is a really good example of how quickly things can change. Despite it being a rainy season so far, there are pockets of land that are dry or can be quick to ignite,” she said.

The Northwest Fire Centre is asking residents to be responsible with campfire use. There were a number of unextinguished fires that have been found in the area recently.

“Human caused wildfires are totally preventable. It is important people ensure that campfires are cool to the touch before leaving the area, even if you are just leaving to head out on your boat or go to bed.”



The Northwest Fire Centre is currently battling a blaze in the Telkwa Mountain range.

The lightning-caused fire is burning 15 km west of Houston near upper Emerson Creek on the south west side of the Bulkley River.

It is approximately four hectares in size.

“We have crews on site, two helicopters, heavy equipment, two tanks actioning the fire,” said fire information officer Olivia Pojar.

A recent release reported that 29 personnel are on the ground and as of 4 p.m. yesterday, the fire was still “displaying moderate fire activity.”

No structures are currently in danger at this time, Pojar said.


Houston Today