UPDATE: Wildfire north of Castlegar near homes extinguished

Mountain Ridge Road Fire is near homes

A wildfire near Mountain Ridge Road north of Castlegar has now been extinguished.

The fire was discovered Friday, June 4 just a few hundred meters a cluster of homes, but remained very small. Mountain Ridge Road branches off of Pass Creek Road a few kilometres past Raspberry.

The fire is classified by the BC Wildfire Service as person caused.

There are a number of houses up Mountain Ridge Road, and the Mountain Ridge Road Users Cooperative Association has been fighting with the Regional District of Central Kootenay in recent months over the discrict’s refusal to drive large fire apparatus over a bridge crossing Pass Creek without the proper load rating.

RDCK Regional Fire Chief Nora Hannon reports the Pass Creek and Robson Volunteer Fire Departments and Regional Fire Services responded to the wildfire in Mountain Ridge together with mutual aid from the BC Wildfire Service. In total 15 RDCK fire personnel and eight fire apparatus responded to the incident. Crews were on scene for 9 hours.

The Sullivan Creek Fire between Castlegar and Trail remains under control at 5.3 hectares. It was discovered May 30. It is being monitored by wildfire crews.

READ MORE: RDCK says large fire vehicles can’t go over Pass Creek bridge

Castlegar News