Langley Memorial Hospital welcomed the first child of 2017 at 1:56 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 1, a girl born to mom Emy Mojo and dad Joab Onyango of Aldergrove. She was a welcome surprise to the couple, who were sure they were having a boy.

Langley Memorial Hospital welcomed the first child of 2017 at 1:56 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 1, a girl born to mom Emy Mojo and dad Joab Onyango of Aldergrove. She was a welcome surprise to the couple, who were sure they were having a boy.

Updated: Aldergrove family welcomes first Langley baby of the new year

Girl was a surprise to couple, who were sure they were having a boy

Hope, Christian and Caleb have a new sister.

The girl, who weighed in at a healthy nine-pounds, arrived by C-section at 1:56 a.m. to become the first baby of 2017 at Langley Memorial Hospital.

Aldergrove parents Emy Mojo and Joab Onyango and their three children (two boys and one girl) were delighted to have a daughter, but her arrival came as a bit of a surprise.

“We knew it was going to be a boy,” mom Emy told the Times Monday, as her youngest daughter snuggled next to her in bed.

During their three previous pregnancies, the couple had correctly predicted the gender and were so confident they would be welcoming a male child that they hadn’t selected a girl’s name.

After giving it a day, they chose Jackline, after a sister of dad, Joab.

Langley Times