15 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the Burns Lake area from Sept. 12 — Sept. 18.

Updated COVID-19 numbers

Recent case numbers for Burns Lake; Northern region

  • Sep. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

According to the B.C. government’s COVID-19 dashboard, there were 129 new reported cases of the virus in the Northern region on Sept. 22, increasing the total amount of active cases in the region to 943.

The most recent data for cases in Burns Lake says that there were 15 new cases from Sept. 12 — Sept. 18, compared to 16 new cases from Sept. 5 —Sept. 11. In Smithers, there were 74 new recorded cases from Sept. 12 — Sept. 18, a decrease from the 117 new cases recorded from Sept. 5 — Sept. 11.

In the province as a whole, 759 new cases were reported on Sept. 22, moving the total number of active cases to 5,485. Government health teams have started increasing contact tracing to find more people exposed to the Delta variant.

There are currently 64 people in hospital with COVID-19 in the Northern region and 21 people in critical care. Lakes District News can confirm that there is one person who has been administered to the Lakes District Hospital with COVID-19.

The number of vaccine doses that have been administered in B.C. is 7,739,828 according to the federal government’s COVID-19 tracking website. 78 per cent of all people in B.C. have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and 71 per cent of all people have been fully vaccinated.

In the Northern region, 62 per cent have received at least one dose and 53 per cent are fully vaccinated.

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Eddie Huband
Multimedia Reporter
eddie.huband@ldnews.net Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Burns Lake Lakes District News