Updated: Job action impacts health services

Watch for delays in non-urgent laboratory tests today, says Interior Health, due to labour dispute.

Update: Interior Health has received notification that the job action planned for today by the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association (HSPBA) has been withdrawn.

Interior Health will have full laboratory services at normal staffing levels tomorrow.


Job Action Impacts Lab Services Monday

There will be limited laboratory services at Interior Health laboratories on Monday, December 10 as a result of job action by members of the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association (HSBPA).

All labs affected by the job action will be operating at essential service levels, which will mean reduced staffing and possible delays. This may result in outpatients with non-urgent lab requisitions being asked to return at a later date.

There will be no impact to lab services for chemotherapy, dialysis or transplant patients. Urgent lab tests and pre-surgical screening for surgeries on Monday and Tuesday will still take place.

If you have a lab requisition and are unsure of whether or not you should go to the lab on Monday, please call 250-231-4515.

Interior Health thanks you for your understanding and cooperation during this time. We hope a resolution to this labour disruption can be reached soon. We will endeavor to rebook appointments as quickly as possible.

For updated information during this labour dispute, please check the Interior Health website at www.interiorhealth.ca

Kelowna Capital News