In addition to the palliative care facility, hospice uses a modified home in Langley City that operates as office and offers community programs.

In addition to the palliative care facility, hospice uses a modified home in Langley City that operates as office and offers community programs.

UPDATED: Langley Hospice given infusion towards new beds

Langley MLAs announce close to $1 million for improved hospice access in their riding.

Langley received an infusion of cash this morning aimed at creating five more hospice beds in the community in the next two years.

Langley MLAs Mary Polak and Rich Coleman announced $900,000 will be given to “improving access to hospice palliative care in Langley.”

Last spring, Langley Hospice announced plans to develop a new, 15-bed, stand-alone hospice facility.

Plans are “well underway” for the new residence, said society president Kathy Derksen.

Hospice facilities provide a home-like setting for people to spend their final days.

At present, the local society oversees a 10-bed hospice in an older building on the Langley Memorial Hospital grounds.

The new residence will be located nearby, on Fraser Health land just below the Langley Memorial Hospital on 52nd Avenue.

“We are nearing submission for the building permit phase,” Derksen explained. “We hope to be able to release updated photos of what the new residence will look like very soon and then focus on securing the necessary funds to allow us to break ground in 2017.”

Today’s money was given to the BC Centre for Palliative Care to distribute to Langley Hospice.

In the meantime, the local society is still waiting to hear on other funding requests it has made to help pay for the new construction of this facility – which current estimates indicate will cost just under $7 million.

If the other funding comes through soon, as hoped, the society expects to launch its community-wide fundraising blitz this spring. They’re hope to generated $1 million towards the cost.


CAPTION: Society president Kathy Derksen spoke to supporters at one of the hospice annual garden parties.

Assuming all goes well, Derksen added, they also hope to break ground on the new facility this year with expected completion in 2018.

“The Langley Hospice Society is grateful for the support of the province and the BC Centre for Palliative Care and their commitment to increase hospice beds for our community,” Derksen said following Friday’s funding announcement.

The Ministry of Health made a commitment to doubling hospice space across the province by 2020.

“It’s critical our local hospice can offer support and services close to home when families need it most,” Coleman said.

“Langley Hospice Society is dedicated to the compassionate services they provide during a vulnerable time for patients and their families,” he added.

The Ministry of Health and health authorities collaborates with the BC Centre for Palliative Care to determine how the funds should be allocated – by studying B.C.’s palliative population data to assess characteristics such as age, underlying cause of death and geography.

Current bed-to-population ratios and home-based palliative services were also looked at, as well as projections of future demand.

The BC Centre for Palliative Care, which was established in 2013 by the Institute for Health System Transformation and Sustainability, supports palliative and end-of-life care practices based on evidence, education, and innovation to improve and support care for those living  with and dying from serious illness – and their families.

“Palliative care is an integral part of our health-care system,” said Polak. “It is a government investment that enables us to look after the people we love.”

The new Langley hospice will replace the existing facility which was intended as an interim site when it because a hospice facility several years ago.

The society, in addition to overseeing the hospice care, provides a variety of grief programs for individuals and groups, as well as support programs for children, teens, adults and families; education; advocacy; community outreach; volunteer training; and day camp and summer camp programs. Hospice society programs and services are provided free. Learn more at

To learn more about supports offered by the Province for end-of-life care, visit:

To find out more about hospice palliative care in Fraser Health, visit:




Langley Advance