Rod Angel clears the sidewalk near his 52 Avenue home in Langley. The Township and City are reminding residents they are responsible for removing snow within 24 hours of the first accumulation.

Rod Angel clears the sidewalk near his 52 Avenue home in Langley. The Township and City are reminding residents they are responsible for removing snow within 24 hours of the first accumulation.

Updated: Langley residents and businesses responsible for sidewalk snow removal (Video)

Walkways must be kept clear for reasons of physical safety, liability, Township and City say

  • Jan. 4, 2017 8:00 a.m.

As temperatures continue to hover below zero across the Fraser Valley, residents are warned the Langleys aren’t going to let people’s responsibility slide when it comes to clearing snow and ice.

After several years without a significant snowfall, the white stuff has returned in full force, and Township and City of Langley residents and businesses are reminded that they are responsible for keeping their sidewalks clear for everyone’s safety.

Under the Township’s Highway and Traffic Bylaw, snow in residential areas must be removed from sidewalks and walkways within 24 hours of the first accumulation of snow.

In commercial and industrial areas, snow must be removed from sidewalks and walkways by 10 a.m.

The public is also reminded that cleared snow cannot be pushed on roadways, as it may hinder vehicles. Cleared snow must remain on the property.

“This bylaw is meant to protect the public, both physically and legally,” said Township Bylaw Enforcement Manager Ruby Senghera.

“Ensuring people remove snow and ice from their walkways will prevent painful falls — and from incurring fines of up to $100 per day.”

Langley City regulations require residents to remove any accumulation of snow or ice from the sidewalks and walkways bordering their property within 24 hours after a snowfall with an accumulation exceeding 10 cm. (approximately 4″).

The owner or occupant must also remove snow or ice from the “roof or other part of any such structure ” where it could fall on the road or sidewalk.

“We want to educate property owners to remove the snow from the sidewalks for the benefits of pedestrians, walkers and scooters.” said City Chief Administrative Officer Francis Cheung.

While Langley City parks remain open, the Township announced all municipal parks and trails are closed until further notice to allow crews to concentrate on clearing snow in priority areas.

The following Township park parking lots are open for school or day care use only:

  • Noel Booth
  • McClughan (north lot)
  • Philip Jackman
  • Williams
  • Langley Meadows

Langley Times