UPDATED: Over 200 in Telkwa left without power

All 400-plus BC Hydro clients have been restored power after yesterday's snow storm related outage.

  • Apr. 14, 2011 6:00 a.m.

All 400-plus BC Hydro clients have bee restored power after yesterday’s snow storm related outage.

BC Hydro reported two outages in Telkwa early yesterday morning, just past 7:30 a.m. Those South of Burnt Cabin Road, in the 1400 block of Coalmine road, the 1200 block of Hunter Avenue and those East of Chapman Road but West of Tyhee Lake road have had their power restored by 3 p.m., the Lawson Road outage was out until just after 4 p.m., BC Hydro reports.

The Lawson Road outage was due to a customer’s equipment causing the outage, while all others had to do with a tree limb falling across the lines.

Smithers Interior News