UPDATED: Somewhere over the Nelson rainbow

UPDATED: Somewhere over the Nelson rainbow

Friday’s weather produced a series of stunning rainbows. Here are a few images of them.

Friday’s weather produced a series of stunning rainbows around Nelson.

Deb and Mike Glatiotis sent us the above photo they snapped of the newly-erected construction crane over Nelson Commons as viewed through the prayer flags on our deck.

Below, Bob Hall took the shot of the courthouse on his way to have coffee in the morning; Gerald Vaughan Irving snapped the one in the Chahko Mika Mall parking lot; Steph Collinson caught a double rainbow; and Chloe Denny got the last one over city hall and the cenotaph, with Pulpit Rock in the background.

Did you capture any other rainbow photos? Send them to us: editor(at)nelsonstar.com.

Nelson Star