UPDATED: Walmsley Lake closed for at least two more days due to E. coli concerns

UPDATED: Walmsley Lake closed for at least two more days due to E. coli concerns

Water at Albert Dyck Park has tested over acceptable levels

Concerns over elevated E. coli levels have resulted in the temporary closure of Walmsley Lake – located in Albert Dyck Park – to the public.

The lake was tested again today and will be again tomorrow, according to City of Abbotsford spokesperson Rhonda Livingstone.

“The lake is still closed and will remain closed for at least the next two days,” said Livingstone, in an email.

The high E. coli levels resulted in the swimming portion for a BC Summer Games triathlon being removed yesterday.

The event was changed to a run-bike-run format, rather than the usual swim-bike-run, after results from a routine test conducted Friday by Fraser Health indicated levels of E. coli over the acceptable level.

BC Games president and CEO Kelly Mann said he was not aware of any triathletes who competed in the lake on Friday becoming ill afterwards. He said competitors should not be worried about their health, if were not already sick.

Mann said a test conducted last week showed significantly lower and safe levels of the bacteria.

Towed water sports on the opposite side of the lake were not affected by the test results, as E. coli levels there were lower.

Mann said he believed the change in water quality was caused by geese being scared by boats to the beach side of the lake.


Abbotsford News