UPDATED: Woman attacked while walking her dog; shares concerns

A woman is recovering from bruises to her head and a black eye after she was attacked while walking her dog Wednesday evening.

A woman is recovering from bruises to her head and a black eye after she was attacked while walking her dog Wednesday evening.

The 30 year old said she was walking her dog on Second Avenue in front of the Child Development Centre daycare at about 6:30 p.m. when she was struck in the back of the head by a suspect using a pipe which caused her to fall down. After she fell she said the suspect then kicked her and her Chihuahua in the head before fleeing the scene.

“When he kicked my dog I was terrified he was going to hurt her — she’s just little,” the victim told the Tribune Thursday.

The woman, still shaken the next day, said in the heat of the moment she was unable to get much of a description of her attacker.

She also has no idea what would have provoked the attack.

“All I could see was a big flash of white when he hit the back of my head, then I fell and hit my forehead again,” she said.

“He didn’t say anything, there was just breathing.”

The victim is urging other women not to walk with earbuds in as she did, making her unable to hear the attack coming from behind.

“It’s pretty sad. I was born and raised in this town and I’ve never had something like this happen before,” she said.

“I won’t be walking anywhere alone anymore.”

The victim said she also felt further victimized by comments she read on social media blaming her for the attack.

Williams Lake RCMP Staff Sgt. Del Byron is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect in this crime.

The suspect is described as wearing a black top with blue sweat pants or jeans and skater shoes riding a bicycle with black handle bars with no grips.

Williams Lake Tribune