
Update: Trail hires recruitment firm for new CAO and CFO

The Leaders firm has an excellent background in recruiting for high level municipal positions

Finding a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Trail isn’t as simple as posting a ‘help wanted’ ad on the local job board.

The city sent out a request for proposal on June 15, and received 11 replies, which were ranked by a sub-committee composed of Mayor Lisa Pasin, Coun. Sandy Santori, Coun. Colleen Jones and Coun. Paul Butler, then narrowed down to four proposals and eventually one.

At July 19 council, Trail City Council agreed to contract out the task of filling the two positions to Davies Park and Associates, also known as, Leaders International Executive Search.

“Leaders International has an excellent background and relevant experience in recruiting for high level municipal positions, and it is felt that they would be a very good fit for these important recruiting processes,” said Michelle McIsaac, deputy CAO and corporate administrator.

The cost of replacing David Perehudoff, who performed both the CAO and CFO duties, continues to rise. According to the firm’s proposal, Leaders will recruit a new CAO and CFO for a fee of $45,000 and $35,000, respectively.

Following a code-of-conduct dispute between Perehudoff and Coun. Robert Caccioni, a settlement was reached. Perehudoff will officially vacate his positions on Sept. 30, but will be paid out until the end of his contract June 30, 2022.

The cost estimate for his salary is about $255,000 in addition to $67,000 for legal fees and $5,300 per month until a new hire is found, McIsaac confirmed at the meeting.

Following a motion to move into a closed meeting to further discuss whether it was appropriate to discuss the current topic in a closed meeting, council emerged five minutes later and voted unanimously to pass the resolution.

Read: Trail street upgrade postponed, becomes part of active transportation plan

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