Wilma Simpkins (left) and Jay McKay enjoyed a walk around Mission Creek Regional Park earlier this year. (File Photo)

Wilma Simpkins (left) and Jay McKay enjoyed a walk around Mission Creek Regional Park earlier this year. (File Photo)

Upgrading future vision for Mission Creek Park

Public asked for input on future amenities for iconic Kelowna park

An upgrade of the long-term management plan for Mission Creek Regional Park is being developed.

The Regional District of Central Okanagan is encouraging input both from the general public and park stakeholders to help formalize ideas for future amenities being added to the 92-hectare regional park, which serves also as a central link to the Mission Creek Greenway trail.

The last major amenity improvement was the renovation of the park playground in 2014 while some paved trail improvements were completed in a $130,000 project this summer.

But Wayne Darlington, RDCO manager of parks planning and capital projects, said the existing plan is now 20 years old.

“Every management plan at some point needs to be updated and it’s time for that in looking at the future of Mission Creek park,” Darlington said.

He said the management plan review looks at different activities that register interest with the public, responding to increased use as the region’s population continues to grow and the capacity of the park to address any changes.

Related: Mission Creek park gets $130,000 expansion

Related: Vegetation removal in Mission Creek Regional Park

Darlington called the park an iconic meeting place for the regional district residents because of its central location between Peachland and east Kelowna, coupled with its association to accessing the greenway.

The public will have an opportunity to register their thoughts at the kikinee Salmon Festival held at the park on Sunday, Sept. 22, when a consulting team will have a booth set up to invite feedback.

“It is (their) park so the more we can hear about how to use them or how they envision them being used, the better,” Darlington said.

“The booth at the (salmon festival) will be a great opportunity for us to engage with the public and get some feedback.”

More information about the park management plan process is available online at rdco.comm/planourparks.

The RDCO oversees more than 2,100 hectares in 30 regional and 20 community parks across the region, from Peachland to Lake Country.

Kelowna Capital News