Uplands due for expansion

Plans for further development at the top end of Burde Street are underway, according to City of Port Alberni planner Scott Smith.

Plans for further development at the top end of Burde Street are underway, according to City of Port Alberni planner Scott Smith.

“This is essentially the second phase of the Uplands subdivision,” said Smith.

This is the second phase of development in the area by Bowerman Excavating. The initial phase, located east of 17th Avenue, has 55 lots.

“The site consists of two legal parcels on the south side of Burde Street, across from the Redford Ponds area. The first property is 2.32 hectares and the second is 5.02 hectares for a total site area of 7.34 hectare,” Smith’s report to council read.

The expanded area will consist of 68 new parcels and a children’s playground, Smith added.

“This would be a single family residential subdivision of mixed lot sizes.”

The development will require a rezoning.

“We’re proposing that this be a comprehensive development zone. Although it’s still all single-family residential, the developer wants to have a mix of lot sizes,” said Smith.

“This is going to allow the zoning to proceed and allow the developer some flexibility in that his subdivision parameters can change.”

City council gave the amendment two readings and will consider a third after the public hearing scheduled for April 11 at 6 p.m. in council chambers.





Alberni Valley News