Upper Room Mission back in the kitchen

Most of the building is still shut down as flood damage is repaired

Meals are once again being prepared at Vernon’s Upper Room Mission.

The Interior Health Authority has given the agency the green light to use the kitchen after a broken water main led to extensive flooding Dec. 1.

“The rest of the building is still off limits due to it being a construction zone,” said Lisa Anderson, URM spokesperson.

“We will prepare the food and then serve it over at the People Place basement.”

Prior to the kitchen being reopened, community groups were bringing in food to serve to the mission’s clients. And while the kitchen is back up and running, assistance is still being sought.

“If community groups would like to help, they can contact us,” said Anderson, adding that food donations are also being accepted.

“Meat donations and any healthy food items would be appreciated. Monetary donations would also be welcome because we can then use our buying power.”

It’s expected that URM’s dining room and other facilities could be open by the end of January.

“A huge thanks to Okanagan Restoration for working as quickly as possible and helping us get up and running again in the near future,” said Anderson.

For more information or to donate, call 250-549-1231.


Vernon Morning Star