Urgent care centre the focus of West Kelowna Residents’ Association annual general meeting

The WKRA will continue to shine a light on the need for an urgent care centre on the Westside at its annual general meeting March 27.

The West Kelowna Residents’ Association will continue to shine a light on the need for an urgent care centre on the Westside when it hosts its annual general meeting March 27.

The district’s chief financial officer Jim Zaffino and health consultant Joanne Konnert will provide presentations at the meeting. Zaffino will explain how taxes relate to services in West Kelowna and Konnert will give an update on Westside health care concerns and developments.

West Kelowna Residents’ Association president Joe Lavigne said the development of an urgent care centre is the top concern for the association.

“We’re sort of in the dark still, but we’re hopeful that something is going to be done sooner, rather than later,” said Lavigne.

“We’re happy that an effort is being made.”

During the past several months the association’s health and safety sub-committee has been working to support Konnert in the execution of her contract with the district by providing local information on existing health care providers in the area.

In addition, the association has completed a major survey project to acquire feedback from residents and medical personnel that identifies critical gaps in health care on the Westside.

“There are too many gaps, too many delays. We need an urgent care centre on the Westside—that will shorten wait times and take some pressure off Kelowna General Hospital.”

All residents of the Westside and any interested parties are welcome to attend the meeting, which takes place at the Westbank Lions Hall at 7 p.m. March 27.


Kelowna Capital News