Valley Auction recently held an auction and barbecue fundraiser for a neighbour who lost his home to a fire.

Valley Auction recently held an auction and barbecue fundraiser for a neighbour who lost his home to a fire.

Valley Auction collects $21,000 for Spallumcheen man

Bobby Marshall, a longtime volunteer at Valley Auction Ltd., lost his home and possessions in a fire at his Hullcar Road home July 15.

People showed their appreciation and opened their hearts and wallets for a Spallumcheen man.

Bobby Marshall, a longtime volunteer at Valley Auction Ltd., lost his home and possessions in a fire at his Hullcar Road home July 15.

Valley Auction hosted a barbecue and auction fundraiser for Marshall.

The event raised more than $21,000.

“I’m really impressed with this community,” said auctioneer Peter Raffan of Valley Auction, who helped organize the special event.

“People showed they really care and they take care of one another during hard times.”

Even people who couldn’t make the event sent money from places like the Kootenays.

The winner of the 50-50 draw, from Kelowna, donated the winnings back to Marshall and his family.

People who purchased hay at the event donated the hay back to Marshall so he could feed his animals.

“Bobby was pretty emotional,” said Raffan.

Marshall’s daughter Cassidy has started an account on (type Cassidy Marshall in the search engine). To date, more than $1,400 has been raised to help her father.


Vernon Morning Star