Value of building permits increases

Summerland saw plenty of construction activity in 2016, according to building permit statistics from the municipality.

  • Jan. 11, 2017 8:00 p.m.

Summerland saw plenty of construction activity in 2016, according to building permit statistics from the municipality.

According to the statistics, which were presented at the municipal council meeting on Monday evening, a total of 179 building permits were issued during 2016, with a value of $28,841,233.

The value of the permits is the highest in at least five years and is more than double the value of permits issued in 2014.

Much of the dollar value was for residential construction.

There were 32 permits issued for single family dwellings, with a value of $11,248,000.

One duplex family dwelling, worth $608,000 and three permits for mobile homes, worth $216,000, were also issued.

A total of 10 permits were issued for fully engineered single family dwellings. These permits had a value of $9,210,000.

Residential additions and accessory buildings accounted for 27 permits with a value of $3,286,500.

Permits for 14 residential renovations totalled $1,006,200.

Other permits included 16 garages and carports, worth $687,000, three secondary suites, worth $246,000 and two carriage homes, worth $195,000.

Permits were also issued for swimming pools, farm and agricultural buildings, commercial, industrial and institutional construction, addition and alterations, a private moorage facility and other work.


Summerland Review