A still from bus surveillance footage shows the man Vancouver police believe may be behind a number of recent purse-snatching incidents. (VPD)

A still from bus surveillance footage shows the man Vancouver police believe may be behind a number of recent purse-snatching incidents. (VPD)

Vancouver police release video of suspected purse-snatcher

Man believed to be responsible for attacking two women in last couple of months

Vancouver police are on the hunt for a man they believe may be responsible for a number of purse robberies in recent months.

The police department released three surveillance footage clips of the suspect on Thursday (April 11), in hopes that someone will recognize who he is.

The Vancouver Police Department says the first reported incident occurred on Feb. 5. A 47-year-old woman was walking along the sidewalk near Pender and Hamilton streets when an unknown man approached her from behind and tried to pull her bag from her. VPD says the woman fell to the ground but managed to hold onto her belongings and call 911. The suspect fled before officers arrived.

The next time someone was targeted was on March 15. A 31-year-old woman told police she was walking near East 1st Avenue and Renfrew Street at around 7:30 p.m. when she noticed a man starting to follow her. When he got close enough, he pulled out a large knife to cut the woman’s purse strap. They struggled briefly and then the man took off with the woman’s purse, VPD says.

The surveillance footage clips are from the March 15 incident.

VPD describes the man as 25 to 35 years old with a medium build, dark hair and a moustache and beard. At the time of the second robbery, he was wearing a dark Nike sweat suit, black and white runners and a Toronto Raptors ball cap.

Investigators are asking for anyone who may know the man to contact them. They’re also looking into whether the man may be responsible for other purse-snatching incidents they have on file.

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Breaking NewsCrimeVancouver police