Vandalism to City’s new washrooms in Rotary Park

Main washrooms closed for season due to vandalism, single occupancy stall remains open.

  • Dec. 9, 2016 8:00 a.m.

City Public Works crews spent several hours Friday removing graffiti and repairing damage to the new Rotary Park washrooms.

Staff report that vandals used sharpies to draw on the walls, the floors and partitions in the newly opened washrooms and damaged one of the baby changing stations.

As a result, Public Works will now keep the men’s and women’s main washrooms closed for the winter months, while the single occupant family washroom will remain open for public use.

If a user group has the park booked or a larger public event is scheduled for Rotary Park, Public Works will ensure the full facility is open and available.

The City of Cranbrook apologizes for any inconvenience this issue may cause and appreciates the understanding of our residents.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman