Vandalism upsets area director

Mike Macnabb is concerned about vandalism along Hartnell Road

A politician wants a resident held responsible for allegedly destroying public property.

Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director, says a resident recently confronted the driver of a 4×4 truck who cut the lock off a gate that prevents vehicular access to Crown land at the end of Hartnell Road.

“He said it was his right to drive where ever he wants and he will cut off the lock again, and he may even damage the gate,” said Macnabb.

The driver’s license plate was recorded and Macnabb wants Regional District of North Okanagan staff to ask the RCMP if charges are possible.

“He admitted to public property damage. He’s flagrant with his approach and threats,” said Macnabb.

The locked gate was installed last year because of ongoing problems with illegal dumping, parties and vehicles posing a safety risk.

“Our biggest concern in the summer is fires with bush parties,” said Macnabb.

It’s also not uncommon for stolen vehicles to be set on fire at the end of Hartnell Road.

“Because it’s a park, we do have the right to restrict use,” said Macnabb, adding that RDNO is working with the Ministry of Forests on limiting vehicular access.

Based on the most recent incident, Macnabb is concerned a conflict could arise between residents there and people opposed to the gate.

“It’s difficult to control that kind of behaviour. It becomes a challenge for them to get around the regulations,” said Macnabb.


Vernon Morning Star