Vandals have toppled over the monument

Vandals have toppled over the monument

Vandals strike a local nerve

The Veteran’s Cenotaph was sheared off and broken by vandals.

  • Aug. 7, 2014 1:00 p.m.

The B.C. Day long weekend brought frustration and dismay to Rossland.  The Veteran’s Cenotaph was sheared off and broken by vandals. It lay toppled next to the granite base as people walked by on Sunday morning.  John Snelgrove, of the Alpine Grind, commented on a popular social media website, “ Are you kidding me?!  Why?  The cenotaph was pushed over sometime last night.”

Rossland city work crews responded quickly to the damaged cenotaph and the repairs are well on their way.  Although it is standing tall again, people will continue to ask why for a long time.

Catherine Bjegovich commented, “Rossland has an incredible attendance at the cenotaph every Veteran’s Day.  I think this year may carry a bit more significance to what it really means.”



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