Vandals strike again at Tyndall Park soccer pitch

Saanich Fusion soccer club home has had thousands of dollars of damage in past year by presumed vandals

Vandals once again struck Tyndall Park sometime in the evening on Sept. 13 or 14, this time destroying a young tree along the sidelines of the soccer pitch.

It’s the third incident of vandalism at the park, which is run by Saanich Fusion soccer club.

Connected or not, the newest incident makes little sense, said Saanich Fusion president Barrie Keefe.

“It’s baffling. It looks like three or four people ganged up to twist and bend this tree, trying to break it. It must have taken more than one person, the trunk is a few inches in diameter and they really worked on it,” he said.

Keefe and the organization had reported the earlier incidents to Saanich Police  and believe that the piqued awareness from nearby residents has prevented further damage to the property.

The first incident occurred in December 2013, when someone used a knife to cut the soccer nets down and displace them throughout the neighbourhood.

In June, garbage was strewn about the turf and sponsor signs were defaced. In all, it’s cost the club thousands of dollars in repairs, Keefe said.

Saanich police Sgt. Steve Eassie said the reports are causing some concern, as they appear to be localized specifically at Tyndall Park.

“It’s certainly created a situation where people have had to clean up afterwards,” Eassie said.

“There’s been equipment thrown all over the field and whatnot. We’re not aware of any damage occurring from these acts, but if anyone sees people congregating in that area, particularly after hours when the lights are off, if they could just give us a call on our non-emergency number, we can come by and make sure everything’s alright,” he said.

Saanich police can be reached at 250-475-4321.

Saanich News