NDP candidate Toni Boot has had multiple campaign signs vandalized in Penticton. However, she doesn’t believe the vandalism is targeting a specific party or candidate, she told Black Press Media in an Oct. 17, 2020 interview. (Phil McLachlan - Black Press Media)

NDP candidate Toni Boot has had multiple campaign signs vandalized in Penticton. However, she doesn’t believe the vandalism is targeting a specific party or candidate, she told Black Press Media in an Oct. 17, 2020 interview. (Phil McLachlan - Black Press Media)

Vandals target Penticton campaign signs

NDP candidate Toni Boot says she's had multiple signs vandalized since the start of her campaign

  • Oct. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Penticton NDP candidate Toni Boot was walking her dog in Summerland Saturday (Oct. 17) when someone informed her that one of her campaign signs had been vandalized.

The sign of note had been spray-painted with a large anarchist symbol and both Boot’s name and Premier John Horgan’s name had been changed.

Boot said this isn’t the first time her signs have been vandalized. She’s had approximately 12 campaign signs removed due to vandalism over the short course of this snap-election campaign period.

Boot isn’t the only candidate who has dealt with signs being vandalized in Penticton. Someone had also hit Liberal candidate Dan Ashton’s signs with the same anarchist symbol, Boot said in an interview with Black Press Media.

Ashton’s campaign team has also had to remove many signs due to other acts of vandalism.

Boot doesn’t believe the recent anarchist symbol vandalism targets a specific party or candidate, but is rather a display of anti-democratic values.

“Whoever has done this is just against democracy, however it looks,” she said.

With files from Phil McLachlan.

READ MORE: Meet the Candidates: Toni Boot

READ MORE: Meet the candidates: Dan Ashton

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