Richard Wruth (middle front row) and the Vanderhoof Children's Theatre pose for a photo in Anaheim, Calif. Disneyland.

Richard Wruth (middle front row) and the Vanderhoof Children's Theatre pose for a photo in Anaheim, Calif. Disneyland.

Vanderhoof Children’s Theatre returns from California’s Disneyland

Vanderhoof Children's Theatre recently made a trip to Anaheim, Calif. where they attended performing arts workshops.

  • Jul. 24, 2014 7:00 a.m.

They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth and it would seem that assertion is true based off the response of Vanderhoof Children’s Theatre (VCT) members upon returning home from their eight day getaway to the fabled childhood paradise.

The VCT returned to Vanderhoof from Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif. on July 17, after a week of honing their theatrical skills in Disneyland’s performing arts workshops, part of the mega-corporation’s youth programs.

The VCT spent 10 months fundraising the $80,000 necessary to bring the 40 people involved in the VCT across the border.

“The trip was more than I ever expected,” Said Richard Wruth, director of the VCT. “I would like to thank every person and business that was able to help make this trip possible. I can’t wait to do it again.”

During their time at Disneyland, members of the VCT took part in an variety of performance workshops. “The workshops that we participated in were truly the most amazing workshops that I have ever been involved with,” Wruth said. “To see the kids peel back their layers and be able to bring multiple characters to life when asked was amazing.”

But VCT members didn’t just enjoy the workshops, outside of working out their artistic muscles the young thespians took part in everything Disneyland had to offer. “My favourite part of the trip was was everything,” exclaimed Faith Baker, one of the children who participated in the trip. “…I loved California Screaming… it was so fun.”

Jubilation wasn’t limited to Baker, there was a torrent of positive feedback from nearly every person involved in the adventure.

Jody Geernaert Cassista said “having the opportunity to go to Disneyland with this amazing group is one that I will remember for the rest of my life.”

Kids involved in the trip weren’t the only ones spouting out exclamations about the trip, parents of VCT members also had positive things to say about the experience.

Kelly Baker, mother of Faith Baker, said “I have only heard amazing and funny stories from my daughter since her return from this trip.” Kelly Baker added “I am so grateful for Richard [Wruth] and all the other great people involved for giving my daughter this opportunity and for providing an experience she will carry with her for the rest of her life.”

Kelly Bakers sentiments were shared by virtually everyone else in the group with children and parents alike espousing their gratitude for Wruth and his efforts to bring this fantasy in fruition.

“Thanks to Richard for dreaming big,” said Lynnette Delisle, a VCT parent. “How lucky we are as a community to have someone in it that is such a role model for our children!”

It was certainly a memorable experience for everyone involved. “Seeing the faces of the kids and adult the moment we arrived was a moment I will never forget,” Wruth said of the experience.

Wruth and VCT don’t intend this to be a one time thing, both Wruth and the rest of his VCT compatriots are already beginning to plan for next years excursion. They better start fundraising now.





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