Vanderhoof Co-op donates for Pink Shirt Day

In weeks leading up to Pink Shirt Day, Vanderhoof Co-op collected donations and have now given the money to an anti-bullying cause.

In weeks leading up to Pink Shirt Day, Vanderhoof and Districts Co-op sold mini pink t-shirts at their  food store, home centre and gas bar locations in Vanderhoof. The shirts were sold for a minimum donation of $1.00 but several members donated in excess of the $1, donating $5 each and some even $20 each.

A total of 692 shirts were sold for a sum of $1,228 that was then given to the Nechako Valley Secondary School Stand Up committee to put towards furthering efforts of erasing bullying from the community.

“Vanderhoof and Districts Co-op would like to thank our members for their generosity in supporting this effort to promote the Anti-Bullying campaign,” Allan Bieganski said in an email. “We would also like to thank our employees for promoting the sales of these t-shirts along with their spirit and co-operation of wearing Pink T-Shirts on Wednesday, Feb. 25, the National Anti-Bulllying Day.”

Ken Young, principal of NVSS, expressed his gratitude for the funds raised.

“The money will help set up conferences for students Gr 7-12 to help kids understand the difficulties associated with texting and bullying (sexting),” Ken Young, principal of NVSS, said. “Were looking at bringing in groups, specialists, RCMP and media, to teach how to treat these things when kids receive them. Sometimes kids receive them and have to deal with that so it’s big for us to teach these kids how to be safe.”


Vanderhoof Omineca Express