Vanderhoof, Fort St. James volunteer call for B.C.-wide seniors survey

Volunteers are needed in Vanderhoof and Fort St. James this season for a B.C.-wide understanding of the residential care experience.

Volunteers are needed in Vanderhoof and Fort St. James this season for a B.C.-wide understanding of the residential care experience.

As part of the effort to reach over 27,000 residents in 303 long-term care facilities across the province, B.C.’s Seniors Advocate office is looking for six individuals in the area to conduct structured in-person interviews over the course of eight to 10 facility visits.

Volunteers, provided with a full-day training from the advocate’s office in advance to handle sensitive and confidential information, would need to commit a minimum of 30 hours, in daytime shifts of two to three hours, over six to eight weeks by the end of this year.

“It can be emotionally draining for the interviewer,” said Judy Brown, the office’s regional engagement lead. “But so many of them want to keep going, according to the feedback we get from volunteers so far.” While some residents may not be able to provide a meaningful response, the process has proved to be an enjoyable experience for the interviewees.

“How they get to chat with someone for an hour and a half,” Brown said. “it’s a worthwhile project.”

As interviews ideally take place at daytime during the week, volunteers may be newly-retired individuals, part-time workers, or students with an interest in health care.

More information can be found on


Vanderhoof Omineca Express