Canadian Forces Snowbird fan checks out the cockpit of a Canadair CT-114 Tutor at the 2018 Vanderhoof International Airshow. (Black Press file photo)

Vanderhoof International Airshow being planned differently this year

Airshow will be held on Aug. 14, 2021

  • Apr. 6, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Vanderhoof International Airshow Society (VIAS) are going ahead with two plans for their upcoming show in August this year.

Dr. Paul Collard, secretary for VIAS said that due to the changing scenarios caused due to COVID-19, the society is making two plans for spectators. The first plan will be a drive-in only show. Spectators will be limited to their vehicles and the space around them. Collard said VIAS can easily accommodate 500 vehicles and could go up to 1000.

The alternate plan is for the usual ‘park and spectate’ from designated field position, he added.

Currently Northern Health has given VIAS provisional approval with precautions based on regulations in effect at this time, Collard said, adding all activities will be outdoors and there will be no dance and hangar party or banquet after the show.

READ MORE: Vanderhoof’s airshow society hosts successful regional event

In terms of other COVID protocols, spectators will be required to distance in family groups wearing masks, unless stationary, eating or drinking.

“At this time no food or drink vendors are anticipated. All volunteers and performers will be required to report their COVID status daily,” Collard added.

When asked about the highlight of the show in 2021, Collard said the F18 is the star of the show, and there are only Canadian performers this year. “Looking forward particularly to the glider performance of Manfred Radius. It is hoped he can do an evening performance with pyrotechnics.”

The airshow would not be possible without volunteers, with 20 core volunteers working on the show. On weekends, there are over 60 people who combined with the core volunteers are making this show a reality.

“We would like to stress that this event is entirely dependent on the support of local and regional business. A significant grant we have relied on the past for advertising is not being offered this year. We have another grant in the works, but no idea if it will be successful. Business sponsorship is vital for it to happen,” Collard said.

The Airshow Society is a non-profit organization and their team will be approaching businesses with opportunities for them to sponsor.

Aman Parhar
Editor – Vanderhoof Omineca Express, Caledonia Courier
aman.parhar@ominecaexpress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Vanderhoof Omineca Express