Vanderhoof mobile work crew gets better wheels and protection

Rio Tinto Alcan and Integris Credit Union presented to Nechako Valley Community Services Society their donation of a pickup truck.

RTA’s B.C. operations general manager Gaby Poirier (sixth from left) and Daveen Wild from Integris Credit Union’s commercial services (far right) presented their pickup truck donation to Nechako Valley Community Services’ executive director Tyrell Arnold (third from right) and mobile work crew on May 13.

RTA’s B.C. operations general manager Gaby Poirier (sixth from left) and Daveen Wild from Integris Credit Union’s commercial services (far right) presented their pickup truck donation to Nechako Valley Community Services’ executive director Tyrell Arnold (third from right) and mobile work crew on May 13.

Vanderhoof’s work crew is now better equipped to perform home and yard maintenance work for the community.

On May 13, Rio Tinto Alcan and Integris Credit Union presented to Nechako Valley Community Services Society their donation of a pickup truck to its Mobile Work Crew program in Vanderhoof.

The truck would allow the crew to better provide its recycling, as well as home and yard care, services in the community, said Tyrell Arnold, executive director of NVCSS.

First started in 2002, the Mobile Work Crew program is a stepping stone for developmentally challenged individuals to have gainful employment in the community, Arnold added.

“This is a really great opportunity to not only support Nechako Valley Community Services Society, but also the individuals that are employed by them to go out and help others in the community, “ said Dan Wingham, manager of Integris’ partnerships and business development. “They’re doing it for the enrichment of Vanderhoof.”

RTA also donated surplus safety gear from the company, including hard hats, vests, and gloves.

“Rio Tinto recognizes the Work Crew program at Nechako Valley Community Services as a unique and valuable program, designed to build skills and work experience,” said Gaby Poirier, general manager of RTA’s B.C. operations. “We are happy to have the opportunity to partner with Integris Credit Union to support the Work Crew program with a donation of a pick-up truck to enable the crew to continue their community work.”


Vanderhoof Omineca Express