Vanderhoof teen still missing

On Wednesday January 5, Vanderhoof RCMP received a complaint that William Thomas Filitrault, age 15, was missing.

  • Jan. 26, 2011 7:00 a.m.

On Wednesday January 5, Vanderhoof RCMP received a complaint that William Thomas Filitrault, age 15, was missing.

 He was reported to not have attended school that day and not returned home.  Filitrault was seen on January 6 at the Vanderhoof Youth Centre, then around 3 p.m. January 6 near Stoney Creek Reserve.

The last confirmed sighting of him was in Vanderhoof at approximately 10 p.m. on January 7 where he mentioned he was going to Prince George.

RCMP members have made numerous patrols and inquiries with known associates in the Vanderhoof Detachment area up to last night with no information provided on the location of Filitrault.

William Filitrault is known to frequent the Prince George area.  Vanderhoof RCMP have also received information that he may have been headed to Fort St. James over the weekend of January 7 to 9. 

William Filitrault is a native male, 15 years of age, 6’0, 165 lbs with dark brown hair and a mustache. 

He is possibly wearing a white hoody with multi colours on it.

With the information provided, police are concerned he is hiding with the belief he is in trouble and will be put in jail when police are only trying to confirm he is okay. 

If you have any information about the whereabouts of William Filitrault please contact the Vanderhoof RCMP (250) 567-2222 or your local police detachment.

Caledonia Courier