Variance requested for Woodland Drive development

City council will make a decision next week on a development variance permit application for a proposed development at 18 Woodland Drive.

City council will make a decision next week on a development variance permit application for a proposed six-lot development at 18 Woodland Drive.

The developer MacPine Development Ltd. is asking for variances on road width,  permission to put hydro and telephone cables above ground, street lighting on hydro poles and to allow for storm sewer drainage at ditch level, rather than underground.

Letters about the application have gone out to property owners and residents living in the neighbourhood, giving them an opportunity to speak in favour or against the issuance of the permit.

“So far we have received one written response,” said Leah Hartley, the city’s director of development services Monday.

“They usually start coming in the week before the council meeting which takes place next Tuesday, Oct. 6.”

Hartley said the proponents have reduced the development from seven lots to six, eliminating the reduction of frontage and setbacks required in the original application.

A copy of the proposed permit and relevant background documents may be inspected between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, until Oct. 6 at city hall.

Williams Lake Tribune