Vavenby youngsters learn about salmon’s life cycle

The students are feeding the fish two to three times a day with food supplied by Simpcw First Nation's Dunn Lake Hatchery

Mercy Flegel feeds salmon swim-up salmon fry at Vavenby Primary School's fish tank.

Mercy Flegel feeds salmon swim-up salmon fry at Vavenby Primary School's fish tank.

The cover over the Vavenby Primary School’s salmon fish tank was removed around Feb. 13. Most of the 140 eggs hatched. After the eggs hatch they are called swim-up fry because they swim up from the gravel to fill their air bladders. The students are feeding the fish two to three times a day with food supplied by Simpcw First Nation’s Dunn Lake Hatchery.

On Feb. 16 the class and two classes from Raft River School went by school bus to the Science Centre in Kamloops. They were shown all over the center. In the classroom there was a presentation called Force in Motion. Moira Chrystall said that she pushed some bottles on a vacuum and the bottles moved. The group went to the gym which had everything.

Then on Feb. 23 the class went on another field trip. This one was to the RCMP station in Clearwater. The children enjoyed seeing the jail cells. They had their “mug shots” taken.

On March 1 the Vavenby Strong Start students and their parents or guardians were in for a lot of fun. For the first activity leader Mrs. Jody had the girls help her make “gak” by mixing glue, borax, water, and food colouring. The girls continuously stirred the mixture, first thinking it looked like milk. When the mixture started to gel they decided it looked disgusting.

It took a while for the girls to actually feel the gak. When they got over that they started to play with it very happily, as did their parents.

The second activity of the day was making a pasta necklace. The girls were given coloured pieces of pasta shells to put on a piece of string. Then it was time for their healthy snacks, go to the gym, a story, and songs. It was a fun day.

Below: (L-r) Kelsey Rexin, Kate Lin Tourond and Jody Phillips (Mrs. Jody) happily play with “gak” during a recent Vavenby Strong Start session.   Photo by Robyn Rexin

play dough



Clearwater Times