A Ford Explorer flipped onto its side on Hurd Street in Mission on Wednesday morning.

A Ford Explorer flipped onto its side on Hurd Street in Mission on Wednesday morning.

Vehicle flips over on Hurd Street in Mission

A black Ford Explorer flipped over onto its side Wednesday morning in Mission. The driver and passenger managed to crawl out of the wreck.

  • Aug. 3, 2016 11:00 a.m.

A black Ford Explorer flipped over onto its side on Hurd Street in Mission on Wednesday morning at about 8:15 a.m.

Police, ambulance and firefighters were called out to the scene where it was originally reported that the female driver was pinned in the crash and a child was also in the vehicle.

However, according to one witness, the woman and the child managed to get out of the vehicle with help from a passerby.

No official details on the woman’s or the child’s condition have been released, but injuries did not appear to be life-threatening.

Police had one lane of Hurd Street, close to the Mission Memorial Hospital, shut down as they investigated the accident.


Mission City Record