Vernon clarifies fireworks position

he City of Vernon is providing details around Canada Day fireworks and their absence this year

The City of Vernon is providing details around Canada Day fireworks and their absence this year.

“Canada Day fireworks have been organized by a small, dedicated group of volunteers for a number of years,” said Will Pearce, chief administrative officer.

“The fireworks event is not a City of Vernon organized or funded display. Volunteers designed the show, raised the funds through donations from local businesses, individuals and federal government grants, ordered the fireworks, and ran the show.”

The previous volunteer group that organized fireworks is no longer operating and new volunteers have not come forward. As a result, there has been no planning for a July 1 event this year.

“City staff will not be assuming the roles of past volunteers and the city is not budgeted to purchase fireworks or contract licensed fireworks show organizers,” said Pearce.

Following Canada Day 2014, Pearce says the city recommended to the volunteers involved in the Canada Day celebration in Polson Park and the fireworks display consider forming one society.

“As a society, the volunteers have greater flexibility to organize events, to fundraise and direct monies, to acquire director liability insurance, to enter into contracts, to engage staff or support,” he said.


Currently, the Polson Park Canada Day celebrations operate independently from the fireworks committee.



Vernon Morning Star