A new $5million fundraising campaign for the downtown Greater Vernon Cultural Centre is set to launch. (Morning Star - file photo)

Vernon cultural centre plans tweaked

'Scaled-down' centre answer to missed fundraising targets, mayor says

  • Sep. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A “scaled-down” version of the Greater Vernon Cultural Centre may be the answer to fundraising shortcomings, Mayor Victor Cumming told council colleagues Monday (Sept. 27).

The 2018 referendum asked voters if they supported the borrowing of up to $25 million to build out the $40-million multi-purpose cultural centre, contingent on the successful fundraising of the remaining $15 million.

Mayor Cumming updated council that while fundraising efforts missed the mark, “substantial progress” has been made.

“To not have a shovel-ready project made it hard to fundraise,” he said.

The Regional District of North Okanagan is now looking to change the agreement that would nix that contingency.

“We will have a lower threshold in what we’re trying to raise and we’ll remove the requirement to having the fundraising,” he said.

This change would require no additional money from the public, the mayor reassured council.

A scaled-down version of the cultural centre would likey see things phased in when money becomes available with room to upgrade in the future.

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