Regional District of North Okanagan directors have voted to add a small dog area to the Mutrie Dog Park at the top of East Hill on 39th Avenue. Construction on the new area will begin this fall. (RDNO photo)

Vernon dog park to add ‘small dog’ area

Regional district to begin construction this fall on area at Mutrie Dog Park suited for the smaller breed of dog

  • Sep. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Smaller Vernon dogs will soon have an area to roam free of bigger doggies.

The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) board of directors approved funding for a new small dog area at Mutrie Dog Park located at 3985 Mutrie Road, at the top of 39th Avenue.

“The new section at Mutrie Dog Park will provide a fenced section for small furry friends that are not comfortable around mid and large-sized dogs,” said the RDNO in a release. “Dogs of all sizes, including small dogs, are welcome throughout the rest of the park.”

Construction is set to begin this fall, and the new area will include fencing, access gates, a garbage bin, a dog bag dispenser and signage to identify the space.

Future planned improvements at Mutrie Dog Park include updated parks signage, planting and irrigation projects, trail re-surfacing, implementation of water fountains throughout the area and a permanent washroom.

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