Vernon health authorities faced with drug overdoses

There were five overdoses reported at Vernon Jubilee Hospital in a 48-hour period this week.

The Interior Health Authority is warning about drug overdoses in Vernon, including fentanyl.

The Interior Health Authority is warning about drug overdoses in Vernon, including fentanyl.

Authorities aren’t sure if there is an increase in drug overdoses in Vernon.

There were five overdoses reported at Vernon Jubilee Hospital in a 48-hour period this week.

“We are very concerned,” said Dr. Silvina Mema, Interior Health Authority medical health officer.

However, it’s not clear if there has been a spike in overdoses or if hospital staff have just started reporting the cases to IHA as was previously requested. It could also be that individuals overdosing are now going to the hospital for help instead of staying home.

“It may be that our message is working,” said Mema of urging drug users to seek assistance.

IHA has warned Kamloops drug users about a sparkly white powder that may be sold on the streets there. But it’s not known if there is a link to the overdoses in Vernon or if the cases here involve fentanyl, morphine or heroin.

“We don’t have a clear implicated substance,” said Mema.

“There is no specific substance to say, ‘Watch out for.’”

IHA has been in contact with community agencies and the RCMP about the overdoses.

“We make sure they give out Naloxone,” said Mema.



Vernon Morning Star