Staff and students at Vernon’s Fulton Secondary School were evacuated due to an electrical short that sent one person to hospital Friday, Dec. 4, 2020. (Kerry Hutter photo)

Vernon high school evacuated, one person injured by electrical short

Incident at Clarence Fulton Secondary forced brief evacuation Friday afternoon

  • Dec. 5, 2020 12:00 a.m.

An electrical short at a Vernon high school sent one person to hospital and the building’s occupants briefly out into the cold Friday afternoon.

Around 1 p.m. Dec. 4, Vernon Fire Rescue was called to Clarence Fulton Secondary School due to an electrical incident, according to Christy Poirier, city communications manager.

Firefighters found electricians working with a live wire which contacted a piece of metal, causing a large arc flash and an electrical short. As a precaution, the school was evacuated.

One person was treated by BC Ambulance Services members and taken to hospital with undisclosed injuries.

“There was no fire involved at the incident,” Poirier said.

Students and staff returned to the building shortly after being evacuated.

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Brendan Shykora

Reporter, Vernon Morning Star

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