The City of Vernon is calling for a governance study for Greater Vernon.

The City of Vernon is calling for a governance study for Greater Vernon.

Vernon makes push for governance review

City wants Coldstream and electoral areas to participate in process

The City of Vernon is heading in a direction different than that pursued by its neighbours.

On Monday, city council unanimously voted to ask the provincial government to commence a study to determine the most efficient and cost-effective governance model for Greater Vernon, including the current structure.

“We need to know what the benefits are and the negatives are,” said Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe.

While Coldstream and Areas B and C recently turned down a request from the Greater vernon Governance Society to seek such a study, the city will ask the jurisdictions to support its request to the government.

Also, council has decided, in principle, to ask Vernon voters in the November civic election if the city should pursue the creation of a restructure committee and it will encourage Coldastream and Areas B and C to ask their residents the same question.

Mayor Rob Sawatzky insists the city is not intruding in the matters of other jurisdictions and he respects any decision they will make.

“We’re not trying to tell them what to do,” he said.

Maria Besso, a Coldstream councillor, says most residents in her municipality oppose amalgamation and a study would consume limited staff resources.

“They (city) are welcome to male resolutions and send letters but I don’t think it will go anywhere,” she said.

Look for more in Wednesday’s Morning Star.








Vernon Morning Star