Vernon promotes land use process

Property owners within Vernon’s central core will be warned of possible land use changes.

Property owners within Vernon’s central core will be warned of possible land use changes.

City hall will provide notification to all property owners within the city centre neighbourhood plan area outlining all the properties that will be re-designated.

“We’re talking about people’s property and about what could potentially affect their property,” said Coun. Bob Spiers, adding that there will be a chance to provide input during a September hearing.

“It’s important to get everyone affected by these changes to look at it and comment.”

The plan, if ultimately adopted by city council, will designate land use activities in the downtown core, as well as in the Seaton Secondary area.

“Anything we can do to make property owners aware of the situation, we should do,” said Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe of the decision to mail letters out.

However, while the city centre neighbourhood plan may lead to new land use designations, that doesn’t preclude activities that are currently permitted.

“No property is being rezoned,” said Spiers.

“Properties can continue to be developed under the existing zone.”

Future land use designations would only apply if the property owner applied for rezoning.

Through rezoning, the site would have to be consistent with the city centre plan, which will be part of Vernon’s official community plan.

“The plan gives ideas of what the area could look like over 30 years,” said Spiers.


Vernon Morning Star